Should I reduce the volume of my recycling by crushing cans and flattening plastic bottles?
No! Our single-stream recycling sorting system works best if cans and bottles are in their original shapes. Screw tops tightly onto plastic bottles before recycling so they hold their shape. And remember – absolutely NO plastic bags in your recycling bins! Plastic bags and thin plastic film like newspaper bags can be recycled in collection bins in local grocery and big box stores.
Have you heard the rumor that things are not getting recycled? Not so in our area! Glass jars and bottles, paper, cardboard, metal cans and #1, #2 and #5 plastic bottles, jars, jugs and tubs have markets and are being recycled. Rates are a bit lower than in the past, but with investments in better technology and infrastructure, rates should increase. Keep recycling!
From Go Green Wilmette