There is Federal Grant money available through USDA that may be appropriate for our local communities. The grant page with full information is here. You can register for a pair of webinars during which experts will share complete information on these opportunities. The webinars are offered on Dec 5 or 7 and on December 13 or 19.  Grant dollars will be available through the Federal “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act” (RCRA) and our Illinois communities should take this opportunity to prudently use the funds. Compost and composting are included within this Act.

There are additional grants available for new EPA recycling infrastructure, education and outreach.  The three categories which will be addressed are a) Political Subdivision Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant (for counties, cities, etc.): b) State and Territory Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant: and c) Recycling Education and Outreach Grant.  There are different eligibilities for different grants.  Register here for a webinar that will provide further information.