According to the North Shore Water Reclamation District, an average person uses about 100 gallons of water each day. You can reduce your water usage with some simple behavior changes:

1. Dish washing: A dishwasher is more water-efficient than hand washing your dishes. Each load uses about 9-12 gallons. Newer models typically use less water and electricity than older ones.

2. Shower vs. bath: Showers are more water-efficient than baths, with a bath using about 50 gallons of water.  Typical showers use 2-5 gallons of water each minute. Keep your shower time under 10 minutes and install a low flow showerhead.

3. Brushing Your Teeth: Turn off the water while brushing your teeth to reduce water waste.

4. Reduce water use further by replacing older fixtures with new, low flow faucets in the kitchen and bathroom, more efficient washing machines, and low flow or dual flush toilets.