We need you to tell the Regional Transportation Authority, now developing its five-year strategic plan, to integrate strong climate action into their plan. We have until March 11 to make our voices heard to this critical regional transit agency that oversees the CTA and Pace. Below are some talking points to help.  Click here to TAKE THE RTA SURVEY.

Talking points

The RTA survey has five main components: Vision, Principles, Outcomes, Regional Outcomes, Final Comments. Climate Reality Project: Chicago Metro Chapter’s transit teams suggest these ideas to include in your comments:

Fossil fuel free by 2040.

Add: Zero emissions

The RTA should actively work with the CTA and Pace to facilitate their transition to zero emissions fleets. RTA should assist in coordinating purchases and infrastructure planning to ensure these are done efficiently and with collaboration. For example, the RTA can potentially facilitate joint purchases and partner on charging locations to prevent duplication.

Under the Outcome, Financially Stable: Include total cost of ownership in purchasing decisions.

Regional Outcomes

Add: Under Healthy and Resilient, add: Accelerate the transition to electrification of all vehicles
Stop the purchase of fossil fuel vehicles and infrastructure on or before the 2026 budget year in order to reach the 2040 target.

Final Comments
One of the Working Groups should focus on environmental best practices.